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Limelight | Empowering brand inheritance and innovation

China: 2024.05.10

A Conversation with the CEO of Rémy Cointreau China

Sophie PHE

2023 Annual Vision Award: Sustainability Winner
Chief Executive Officer, Rémy Cointreau China

With more than 20 years of international experience in spirits and luxury management, Ms. Sophie Phe was appointed the CEO of Rémy Cointreau China, starting June 1st, 2022, and joined the Group’s Executive Committee. French with Chinese origin, Sophie is bicultural and is passionate about bridging these two cultures to establish global brands and businesses into Chinese market.

In January 2007, Sophie embarked on her journey with Rémy Cointreau as Brand Manager for Rémy Martin in Paris. In 2016, her deep knowledge of the Rémy Cointreau Group and her passion for China were decisive in her decision to relocate to Shanghai. Under Sophie’s leadership, the ratio of female executives among management team continues to rise, much higher than industry average, and continues cultivating a more diverse, equal and inclusive working environment.

“I believe that women change the perception of the wines and spirits industry by bringing elegance and innovation perhaps a different perspective.”

——Sophie PHE

Rémy Cointreau sustainability initiatives

As the world’s leading premium spirits group, adhering to the core value of ” Terroir, People, Time “, Rémy Cointreau takes practical actions to cherish and protect the natural terroir, and to cooperate with local partners to share the vision of a sustainable future. To this end, Sophie has been constantly leading the Rémy Cointreau China team to actively deploy actions and promote cooperation with partners from all walks of life, in order to ensure that the group’s sustainable development is fully implemented in China.

Q: How many years have you been in the drink business?

S.PHE: I joined the industry in January 2007, exactly 17 years ago.

Q: What makes you devoted yourself to the wine and spirits sector?

S.PHE: In this industry, it is all about People. I have met very inspiring and passionate people, those who are devoted to crafting exceptional spirits, those who are supporting distribution and promoting products in the markets and many more. There is a common point which is the love for the product. By people, I also refer to our consumers, who are eager to learn about our spirits and their lifestyle. It is a universe of pleasure, sharing and celebrations.

Q: You are the winner of WINWSA 2023 Sustainability, could you share with us the story to concretize the concept of DENTREE and the launch? What are the challenges you faced and overcame?

S.PHE: Sustainability is part of the DNA of Rémy Cointreau and its Maisons with a very strong commitment to our core values of Terroir, People and Time. With our team, we wanted to make our commitment concrete and to share it with our clients, the bartenders or the end-consumers. We wanted a place where people can gather, experience, have the sense of belonging to a community of like-minded people, who care for their environment and for the Earth. This is how DENTREE was born.

From the design of the bar to the creation of our unique cocktails, to the selection of our dishes and to our daily operations, we have been implementing sustainable practices all along with measurable performance indicators. Therefore, DENTREE is very proud to have been certified carbon neutral for its construction as well as for its operations by RESET (the world’s leading performance-driven building certification program).

The challenges we faced are the ones of pioneers who are creating for their own and setting the standards at the same time. Besides, it is also the first bar project in the group.

After one year, DENTREE has attracted lots of visitors and has been awarded by the industry and the media.

Q: To your opinion, how important is the practice of sustainability in drink business? And why?

S.PHE: I believe it is a must. At Rémy Cointreau, we are celebrating in 2024 the 300 years of Maison Rémy Martin, with the aim of being here in the next century and beyond.

Q: What are the major market shifts for Cognac and Cocktails? What is the evolution of targeted consumers, regional dominance or consumption occasions?

S.PHE: The Cognac market remains mostly regional with a strong presence in the Guangdong and Fujian regions, which are considered as the cradle of Cognac in China. It is perceived as a very prestigious choice both for gifting and drinking celebrations, particularly by mature consumers. In the market, we can see the collective efforts of the brands to rejuvenate their images, providing relevant and engaging experiences and recruiting new consumers.

Regarding cocktails, we can see how the bar scene has changed in China, from learning to innovating with Chinese bartenders competing in international competitions and winning. Consumers have also shown increasing desire for cocktails which are attracted by the variety, the creativity, and the stories behind.

Q: Rémy Cointreau has been exploring the cultural aspect in China, especially the unique story-telling of Louis XIII provided a perspective to revisit the heritage and craftsmanship. As you have bicultural background, how do you look at the localization of a globally successful brand?

S.PHE: I had the opportunity to take on global and local roles at Rémy Cointreau which offers interesting perspectives from both sides. To me, it is a must for our brands to be relevant to the Chinese consumers.

To succeed, it is key to understand them and respect their codes, values and needs. At the same time, it is also essential to respect the DNA of the brand, its identity and mission. So, the secret is to find the right alchemy.

The Louis XIII Heritage Project Art Initiative started in 2014. Its mission is to arouse public’s interest and attention to the Chinese Intangible Heritage Craftsmanship, in particular to its transmission from Masters to Inheritors throughout time. This objective echoes to the DNA and values of LOUIS XIII which is a unique craftmanship and know-how transmitted through generations of Cellar masters. The bridge between this project and the market is authentic and valuable with a long-term vision.

Q: What are the main transformations & changes in the industry you have experienced so far?

S.PHE: Over the years, I have observed the increasing curiosity of Chinese consumers for new categories of spirits. They are fast learners; they are more and more knowledgeable and sophisticated. They have become selective in their choices and switched to premium drinks.

In terms of distribution, digitalisation has brought a significant impact to wines and spirits industry in terms of accessibility, education, client engagement and sales.

What doesn’t change are our Maisons, our products, the terroir, the craftsmanship and the excellence.

Q: What do you enjoy most in your career? The biggest challenge you have encountered as a woman in the industry? What drives you to keep going?

S.PHE: In my career, I truly enjoy the chance to testing, deploying projects, innovating and keeping learning every day, in an environment in which I feel entrusted by the group and the family shareholders. Even when I face difficulties, I find the energy to move forward thanks to my teams, their fighting spirit and determination. Together, we write the history of our Maisons and the Group, together we make milestones.

When I was appointed as the CEO of Rémy Cointreau in China, I was wondering if it would be a challenge as a woman and how it would be perceived in the industry, by our clients and employees. The doubts were quickly replaced by encouragement, praise, and support as I believe that women change the perception of the wines and spirits industry by bringing elegance and innovation perhaps a different perspective.

Q: What are the main distinguishing merits or qualities in women attributing to the career success?

S.PHE: Women often work hard to succeed and be recognized while managing both professionals and personal lives. They bring sensitivity, sense of details and perseverance into their actions.

Q: Any Advice to your peers?

S.PHE: My best advice is to trust yourself and not limit yourself.

Q: Who will you recommend us for interview as the next WWS figure?

S.PHE: I would recommend Judy Chan, the CEO of Grace Vineyards who is doing an amazing work, taking over the family wine business and exploring new projects in spirits.


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 Photo Credit: Sophie PHE